The well-aligned carbon nanotube arrays (ACNTs) were used as supporting material and the γ-MnO2/ACNT electrode with high dispersion of γ-MnO2 has been prepared by electrochemically induced deposition method. The crystal structure and morphology of the γ-MnO2/ACNT electrode were investigated by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The capacitive properties of γ-MnO2/ACNT electrode were characterized by cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge method. The specific capacitance of the γ-MnO2/ACNT electrode is as high as 784 F g-1 based on γ-MnO2 and 234 F g-1 based on γ-MnO2/ACNT composites in 0.1M Na2SO4 aqueous solution from 0 to 1 V when the charge-discharge current density is 1 mA cm
-2. Additionally, the electrode shows excellent power characteristics, high electrochemical reversibility and excellent long-term charge-discharge cycle stability.
Source: Zhen Fan, Jinhua Chen, Bing Zhang, Bo Liu, Xinxian Zhong, Yafei Kuang,
Diamond & Related Materials (2008), in press
posted by Osváth Zoltán @ 10:29 am