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Monday, March 11, 2013  

Carbonhagen 2013 august 19-20

Dear friends and colleagues,

We are happy to announce the 2013 edition of Carbonhagen,
the fourth Nordic symposium on carbon nanomaterials, which is to be
held in Copenhagen, August 19-20. While adhering to our motto,

“Maximising the carbon footprint”,

as much as ever, we this year welcome also reports on other 2D
materials such as MoS2, hBN etc, as well as zero and one dimensional
derivations thereof (tubes, scrolls, particles). The homepage is online
with practical information, and will be updated continuously, as
abstracts and talks arrive in our mailbox. 

The early list of confirmed speakers suggests that you will
experience an up-to-date blend of deep scientific insights,
cutting edge technology and fresh results:

· Ernie Hill (University of Manchester, UK)
· Antonio Castro Neto (Graphene Research Center, SG)
· Herre van der Zant (Delft University, NL)
· Mikhael Katsnelson (Radboud University of Nijmegen, NL)
· Alexander Balatsky (Los Alamos Nat. Lab. US; Nordita, SE)
· George Duesberg (Trinity College Dublin, IR)
· Thomas Michely (University of Cologne, DE)
· Xinliang Feng (Max Planck University, DE)
· Daniel Neumaier (AMO GmbH, DE)
· Ursel Bangert (University of Manchester, UK)

Many abstracts will be uploaded in the following weeks.

About this years meeting:

Participant limit. Noting the significant growth rate of roughly
25% per year, will this year keep a limit to the participant number
to 150 to make it easier to meet and find people, and to keep the
meeting intimate and focused. SO, please do not be late - we
could run out even before the registration deadline expires.

Zero-fee option. As always we have a zero-fee option for
students and researchers lacking funding options, as well
as regular payment options for the rest.

Breaking news. Following the “Breaking News” success of
CBH2012, we this year have two breaking news sessions.
We think it is great to have “lab-fresh” results presented at
the meeting. The breaking news sessions will be booked as
close to the meeting as we can.

Presentations, posters, prizes and deadlines

Talks. We are planning to have about 2 keynote talks (40 min),
10-11 invited talks (30 min) and 12-13 contributed (15 min) talks.
This is likely to change, as we will continue to work on making the
strongest possible programme. Oral and poster abstracts submitted 
before deadline will be published on the website and in the printed

Posters. The poster session is a pivotal event, and we will strive to
make the prizes, the exposure and the
possibility of interaction as attractive as possible. IN CONTRAST to
most meetings and conferences we already book many of the
contributed talks before the deadline, so if you are interested in
giving a talk, we recommend contacting us early to propose your
talk: info@carbonhagen.com

Exhibitors and sponsors. CBH is an excellent opportunity for
companies and researchers to meet, and we will this year
host a presentation session early in the meeting, where sponsors
and exhibitors can address the audience and introduce their
services or products. Please contact Kasper Nørgaard
(kn@nano.ku.dk) if you are interested in hearing about what
CBH can offer in terms of sponsorships and exhibition.


Abstract submission (posters): August 8, 2013. 
Abstract submission (talks): August 1, 2013.
RegistrationAugust 1 (or until the limit of 150 participants is reached)

For questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us at 

Greetings from the organising committee:

· Peter Bøggild (Tech. Univ. Denmark)
· Bo Wegge Laursen (Univ. Copenhagen)
· Kasper Nørgaard (Univ. Copenhagen)
· Antti-Pekka Jauho (Tech. Univ. Denmark)
· Liv Hornekær (Århus University)
· Mette Lund Meisner (Tech. Univ. Denmark)
· Vibe Aarøe Drostgaard (Univ. Copenhagen)

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